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  • #20450 Reply


    I have a client that has formidable 2pdf set up on their website. The PDF is supposed to be emailed to my client ( when the client has submitted the form with payment. My client received an email without the PDF attached today, but in form entries in the back of the website the answers to the form questions are recorded from the person who filled it out. Help?

    #20454 Reply

    Let’s find the issue…
    1. Check the plugin’s expiration date on the “ACTIVATED FORMS” tab, renew here if expired.
    2. Can you export a PDF from the plugin’s “EXPORT” tab? If not, describe the result.

    After checking the above, optionally you can complete this form to have us login and find the issue.

    We remain at your service.

    #20457 Reply
    Amy Thorne

    The license is live on the plugin and in good standing until 2019. I see the export tab, but on that page there is not option to actually export a pdf.

    #20458 Reply

    From the EXPORT tab, select the Formidable Form and the Field Map Layout from their dropdown menus, then click the EXPORT button. If the dropdowns and button do not exist, then we have a problem that has not been seen in the past. Complete this form to provide login access so we can find the issue.

    We remain at your service.

    #20499 Reply
    Amy Thorne

    I tried to respond to email you sent me, butkept getting undeliverable message. I updated plugin and input a form submission for you to work with. The problem is withF Family Form only, thanks.

    Also, once we get this fixed is it possible to clone forms with saved mapping instructions? We have to change content in forms but mapping won’t be different that will go live Dec 31 and would prefer to do work ahead of time to be completed and ready to push live on that day.

    #20500 Reply
    Amy Thorne

    I tried to respond to email you sent me, butkept getting undeliverable message. I updated plugin and input a form submission for you to work with. The problem is withF Family Form only, thanks.

    Also, once we get this fixed is it possible to clone forms with saved mapping instructions? We have to change content in forms but mapping won’t be different that will go live Dec 31 and would prefer to do work ahead of time to be completed and ready to push live on that day.

    #20528 Reply
    Amy Thorne

    I can’t wait to hear about the new plugin. Is it available to try?

    I just started to change the settings that you told me to and it looks like it is actually changing the mapping instructions, so I stopped. What is the chance I can just pay you to fix this and also make sure it is mapping to the correct fields?

    Also, all the forms have to be updated with an update content in the therapeutic agreement with listing of new rates. Can I just copy the current mapping for all of the other forms and save it so I can upload the change of the actual therapeutic agreement part with new fee structure.

    #20529 Reply
    Amy Thorne

    Mapping each form originally took over 12 hours per form due to issues with the size of the form. Wondering if that has to be done again if that is something you can do that is a lot faster than what we can do it

    #20540 Reply

    Take advantage of the “Enable automated layout creation for new field maps” option found on the SETTINGS page to create forms a lot faster!

    The feature requires the Formidable Form fields to have EXACTLY the same field name as the PDF form fields or the PDF Fields to have the Formidable Form field “key” as it’s field name.

    With all the above factors in place, new Field Map Layouts are created automatically saving hours of mapping and frustration.

    The feature does not work for Repeatable Sections or Checkboxes, those will need to still be mapped manually.

    We remain at your service.

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