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open pdf by non-login user

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  • #46525 Reply

    how can I let the non-login user to view/download the pdf?

    #46563 Reply

    By default, merged PDFs are visible to all users. If your user can see the form’s On-Submit Message, then the user will also see the link to download the merged PDF form when the PRO2PDF shortcode is used inside the On-Submit Message Box.

    Viewing PDFs may be limited by user roles and/or specific user IDs by setting the “Allow downloads only for roles:” and “Allow downloads only for user IDs:” options on the field map layout.

    If users are redirected to a page or post – and you are not using the form’s On-Submit Message – follow these instructions to place the PRO2PDF shortcode inside a Formidable View and then place the view’s shortcode on the page or post.

    Let us know if you have more questions.

    We remain at your service.

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