Operation timed out

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  • #46336 Reply


    Sometimes when someone submit the form we get a text error message attached to the email notification that says:

    There was an error generating the PDF file.
    Your server wasn’t able to upload PDF file: Operation timed out after 120000 milliseconds with 648016 out of 1368487 bytes received

    PDF template has 250 KB although sometimes it contains an image, and because of that, its size could be increased to 1.5 MB.

    Any idea what might be happening?. We have been using FormidablePRO2PDF since several years and we never saw this problem until now.

    Thanks in advance.



    #46358 Reply

    If all has been working and now has issues, it’s likely due to server updates to PHP and/or a change to one or more PHP settings.

    The following PHP settings are recommended to minimize timeout errors;
    max_execution_time = 600
    max_input_time = 600
    max_input_vars = 4000
    memory_limit = 512M
    post_max_size = 256M
    session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

    We remain at your service.

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