PDF Download Button?

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  • #18667 Reply

    I have everything working perfectly, but I am wondering how I can connect a pdf download to a “Download Button” image. I assume there is a simple solution to this.

    Can you provide an example of how this is done?

    Thanks in advance.

    #18670 Reply

    Use the “CLASS” parameter in the shortcode, like this…
    [formidable-download form=”xyz” dataset=[id] layout=”123″ class=”my_button”]

    There are also other parameter settings that may be useful here. Be sure to login to see them all.

    We remain at your service.

    #18671 Reply

    Do I put the full link of the button?
    The button name with extension (ex. png)
    or just the button name?

    None of these are working.

    Please provide an example.


    #18675 Reply

    If you have a button CSS class, such as…

    .button1 {
        background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */
        border: none;
        color: white;
        padding: 15px 32px;
        text-align: center;
        text-decoration: none;
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 16px;
        margin: 4px 2px;
        cursor: pointer;

    Then use the class=”button1″ parameter.
    [formidable-download form=”xyz” dataset=[id] layout=”123″ class=”button1″]

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    #18681 Reply

    I have an image button I want to use.

    Such as here: http://hennessypma.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/red-download-button.png

    I do not have an class for a button, I have a real image I want to use.

    Please tell me how to do this?

    #18695 Reply
    #18697 Reply

    I used the following code and it did not work:

    Click Here to Download

    Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

    Thanks in advance.

    #18698 Reply

    Did you test the code in the Formidable Form’s On-Submit Message Box, or Email Action, or a Formidable View? Can you send a screenshot of where you placed the code?

    We remain at your service.

    #18700 Reply

    I placed it in a page on my website?

    #18705 Reply

    In that case you’ll need to follow this, How To: Use the Shortcode in a Page or Post, and use the code above in a Formidable View.

    We remain at your service.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by admin.
    #18713 Reply

    I really don’t want to change the formidable form redirect as I have the redirect to a page on my website and on this page is where I want the download button.

    There has to be an easier way or a better way to include the shortcode inside the page.

    Please let me know.

    #18714 Reply

    You instructions are confusing.

    Where do I go to create a view on the website?

    Where do I view format?

    #18715 Reply

    You do not need to “change the formidable form redirect“… you only need to add a parameter to the existing URL.

    Simply create a Formidable View as instructed here and put the tag PRO2PDF shortcode we provided above into the view, then put the view’s shortcode on the page exactly where you want the button. That’s it!

    We can do it for you for $5, complete this form if needed.

    There is no easier way, as Formidable’s entries are not available to WP pages or posts except through a Formidable View… and it is easy to implement!

    We remain at your service.

    #18716 Reply

    Can I hire you guys to set this up?

    I want to use a separate page with a download button on that page and have the download button image connected to the pdf download link?

    this shouldn’t be this complicated.

    #18717 Reply

    You’re correct, it’s not complicated. However, due to WP security, you would need to learn how to use Formidable Views to place data from a Formidable Form entry onto a WordPress page/post.

    We are willing to login and complete the task for you for only $5 if you complete this form.

    We remain at your service.

    #18721 Reply

    I just filled out the form

    The page that I want the download button to appear on is:


    The image for the button is:


    Please let me know how to pay for this.

    Also, can you see why it downloads a previous user’s data.

    #18722 Reply

    Complete this form to pay.

    We remain at your service.

    #18727 Reply

    We have completed your request. It’s the first button on the /member-documents/ page.

    NOTE: We needed to uncheck the “Do not store entries submitted from this form” option on this page, because the link will not work if the entries are not saved.

    Here’s the Formidable View.
    Here’s the shortcode used on the /member-documents/ page: [display-frm-data id=1236 filter=limited]

    We remain at your service.

    #20182 Reply
    Jason Oswald

    In April, you helped me to figure out a button connected to a completed form. For some reason this button recently broke and when going through the process I get several errors that break the server syntax and lead up to a page where it states “this form is not active” – but it is an active form. I can send screenshots to show what I am talking about.

    I can pay the $5 to fix it.

    Thanks in advance.

    #20183 Reply
    Jason Oswald

    Here is also the code for the button in the view area in formidable.

    Download PDF

    Let me know if it could be something in here…

    #20184 Reply
    Jason Oswald

    `<a href=”[formidable-download form="t30nj" dataset=[id] layout="1000" label=0]” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>
    <img style=”width: 300px; height: 66px; border: 0;” src=”http://hennessypma.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/red-download-button_300.png&#8221; alt=”Download PDF” /></a>

    #20185 Reply
    Jason Oswald

    `<a href=”[formidable-download form="t30nj" dataset=[id] layout="1000" label=0]” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>
    <img style=”width: 300px; height: 66px; border: 0;” src=”http://hennessypma.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/red-download-button_300.png&#8221; alt=”Download PDF” /></a>

    Code above.

    #20186 Reply
    Jason Oswald

    By the way, I just paid $5 through paypal, so you can work on this. Thanks.

    #20195 Reply

    There appears to be a conflict with a Login or Redirect plugin or other code. Please provide FTP credentials here so we may find the origin of the conflict.

    We remain at your service.

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