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  • #18669 Reply

    I will have multiple members on my membership website and I need to make sure that each member will receive only their personalized pdf and not receiving someone elses – is this possible with the software.

    Example: John Doe completes a Formidable Form that was mapped into a FormidablePro2pdf and Jane Johnson fills out the same form with her information. They should both receive their own personalized pdf via email or a download link.

    Is this how formidablepro2pdf works or how do I make it work this way?

    I cannot have members receiving other members’ documents.

    Thanks in advance.

    #18672 Reply

    Use the dataset=[id] shortcode parameter to link to the ‘current entry’ in the On Submit message box, body of the email action, or in a Formidable View to be used on a WP page, post, or custom post.

    Click here for the part of the demo video which demonstrates the dataset=[id] parameter.

    We remain at your service.

    #18674 Reply

    NOTE: Be sure to select the “Enable secure links” option on the plugin’s SETTINGS tab so that PRO2PDF links may not be altered by users to view other user’s data entries.

    We remain at your service.

    #18682 Reply

    I just logged out and switched users and as the new user, I was able to download the pdf from data entered by the previous user (account). This was after selecting “Enable secure links”

    How can I make each download unique to the logged in user and the data they enter or how do I clear out the previous user’s data/pdf from the sytem so other users don’t download other users data/pdf????

    Thanks in advance.

    #18710 Reply

    Paste the PRO2PDF shortcode here so we can see what may have caused the link to provide a prior entry.

    We remaain at your service.

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