PDF failing to load

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  • #7640 Reply


    I have created several forms and mappings with perfect success so I’m becoming quite used to this fantastic product.

    However, I’m creating a new form in just the same way as others but I keep getting the “failed to load PDF” error when trying to produce the completed PDF.

    The only thing that I think has changed since the last ones working is a minor wordpress core update and I am creating the form in PDFPen Pro 8 (upgraded from 7.x). I can’t really see any difference in the creation of PDFs from the software though.

    Normally when I get that error, it is something wrong with a field in the PDF which is easily fixed but this time I have done everything I can think of!

    Is there a possibility of sending you the PDF and see if you can map even one field please? (Yes, for testing I have removed all mappings except one field and it still won’t work).

    Many thanks


    #7642 Reply

    It may be font related, we can take a look at the PDF, please upload to here, login information is not required.

    We remain at your service.

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