- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by admin.
Vladimír MackoParticipant
hello, i got always error PDF source can’t be loaded.
https://nove.setritesnami.sk/zrusenie-a-zmeny-na-zmluve/adminKeymasterThe PDF file may not be compatible. Can you upload the PDF here? Or, provide the site credentials if you want us to look at your installation.
We remain at your service.
adminKeymasterYou must complete this form and accept the terms and conditions before we access your installation.
We remain at your service.
Vladimír MackoParticipantnow this is working, but all form download the same PDF …
adminKeymasterWe tested the form, and the PDFs are dynamic to the submitted data. We cannot find any issues with the form or shortcode. Are you using the shortcode somewhere else?
We did notice that the Field ID for the Send To: email address is not a valid field from the form. However, this will not affect PRO2PDF.
Let us know your workflow so we can reproduce the issue.
We remain at your serivce.