PDF source can’t be loaded.

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  • #47994 Reply

    After upgrading to 3.10 I am getting “PDF source can’t be loaded” with no other changes. Field map, PDF file are still in place.

    #47997 Reply

    We have not heard of this issue with any other installation. Complete this form if we can take a look at your installation.

    Or, send the server error log(s) to support AT formidablepro2pdf.com so we can get an idea of where to start troubleshooting.

    We remain at your service.

    #49116 Reply

    I AM also getting the same error… but on just one form. Others on the site seem to be working fine.

    Any ideas on where to look, or what the issue was?

    #49117 Reply
    Tim Landers

    Jesse, it was faster for me to convert to e2pdf than troubleshoot the issue. I only had one form.

    #49118 Reply

    Thanks Tim,

    Unfortunately, i’ve got multiple very long forms that use this plugin. The others seem to be working too. I wish i could just convert, but that isn’t an option.

    #49122 Reply
    Gary Keesee

    I am getting the same error. Any update on this?

    #50268 Reply
    Colin Porter

    Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this? Setting up the plugin and have exactly the same error appearing on form submission.

    #50274 Reply

    We tested the file map layout from the plugin’s Export page and from the form’s Confirmation action using this shortcode [formidable-download form=”syp-fund” dataset=[id] layout=”1007″], and both produced a password-protected PDF.  We did not experience the described error.

    However, it appears that the original PDF form that was uploaded to PRO2PDF is password-protected.  The original PDF file cannot be password-protected.  Use the plugin’s password= parameter to set a password for the merged PDF.

    If you are still receiving an error message, please let us know where and provide screenshots.

    We remain at your service.

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