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  • #1426 Reply
    Tim Doerr

    We are curious if we can use your product to convert our current forms fillable PDF to online application form that users can fill out and then print to pdf /email to us?

    #1427 Reply
    Tim Doerr

    We also want to make sure that we can use your plugin with out 7 page application? you can visit
    Our goals is for users to be able to visit our website and submit either pre registration form online, as well as new student registration packet. This meets one goal. users can then email it or print it from inside the PDF application.
    But second part would be instead it creates this application packet fills in details then gets emailed to our school office.

    #1431 Reply

    If I understand your question correctly, yes, the plugin will do as you require.

    To confirm, Formidable and PRO2PDF will allow you to create and map online webforms to PDF forms, which can be emailed On Submit and/or On Update of the form.

    If not correct, please provide a step-by-step example of the workflow.

    #1445 Reply

    User visits our site. Clicks on Application page. Forms page should then load that mirrros pdfs I had in above message. My question was there are a lot of fields on each pdf. is there a limination. can you please open pdf and let me know?

    #1446 Reply

    From https://formidablepro.com/pricing/

    24 Drag & Drop field types what does this mean?

    #1527 Reply

    PRO2PDF is currently limited to 165 fields per field map layout, however, you can map two layouts per shortcode into one PDF Form allowing users a total of 330 fields per PDF.

    24 Drag & Drop field types refers to the fields available in Formidable. Nearly all fields are able to be mapped to a text field in your PDF form – with the exception of the File Upload field type.

    #1530 Reply

    I should mention that you can also map to PDF form Radio Buttons, Checkboxes and Dropdown lists.

    #2412 Reply

    As of today’s update, the number field maps per layout has increased to a maximum of 350 per layout. Adding a 2nd layout will allow for up to 700 field mappings to create dynamic pdf files.

    FYI, the 2nd dataset option can also be the same form as the 1st dataset option, so you can split the same form into two separate layouts for a maximum of 700 field mappings.

    #3395 Reply
    Sharon Serguta

    Our company intranet is hosted by us on our server and available only to employees. There isn’t a public website. Will the Unlimited Intranet for $69 year – Unlimited Offline Use allow us to use Formidable Pro to complete PDF forms and attach them to the notification email?

    #3405 Reply

    Yes, the Unlimited Intranet for $69 year will allow your private server unlimited use of the plugin and all features with the exception of the Formidable Signature Add-on Plugin integration.

    The annual cost would be for updates and premium support. Additional years may also be purchased at 5% off 2-Year, 10% off 3-Year, 15% off 4-Year and 25% off 5-Year upgrades.

    Subscriptions include all PRO feature updates, PRO documentation, and premium support.

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