Plugin paid for but not received link yet

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  • #16292 Reply
    John Anderson

    On the weekend I bought the $2 plugin option to test it out. All of the main features were disabled which is not what you advertise. But it seems like it does the job so I logged in and bought the $15 option. Silly me, I thought I’d get a credit on the $2 since I didn’t really use it. But now I’ve been waiting 4 days for approval and still haven’t heard anything!

    I wish I’d just paid the $15.
    Can you tell me what’s taking so long? if you don’t want to discount me $2 just refund me the $13 and I’ll try again.

    Please don’t keep me waiting. I’m on a tight deadline.

    John Anderson.

    #16294 Reply

    Your 30-day license key was emailed to you after your $2 purchase, then your account was upgraded to a one year subscription after you purchased the $13 upgrade. You should not be ‘waiting’ for anything at this point.

    We will resent the activation key to your email on file (john@forte*******). Check your spam folder and let us know if the activation key has been received.

    We remain at your service.

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