Print in a field of the generated pdf the exact time of the generation

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    Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to print in a field of the generated pdf the exact time of the generation? I can’t use for create a field with the time the formidableform’s [time] function because that function give me a field with the time when the user open the form not the time when the user submit the form generating the pdf. Thank you in advance for any help.


    Sure you can.

    Add a text field to your PDF form, we will call it “Current Time”, then in the PRO2PDF Field Map Designer for your Layout, map the “Current Time” PDF Form Field to the “Formidable: Created At” or the “Formidable: Updated At” field Webform Data Field ID located at the bottom of the Webform Data Field ID dropdown list and SAVE the Layout.

    That’s it, the “Current Time” will print on your merged PFD form.


    Hi, Current Time works, but the time printed on the generated pdf is 1 hour late. How can I correct it? I would like also to know if it’s possible to save in my user profile the Current Time value in an extra field I created in the user profile. Thank you in advance foe any help.


    Current Time gets data from the WordPress Timezone setting. You’ll need to adjust the Timezone from the WordPress Dashboard under “Settings => General => Timezone”.

    Regarding current time within the user profile, that’s a question for the outstanding support team at

    We remain at your service.


    The Time zone in my wordpress is correct, I did also try to use the UTC+1 in general setting but the “Formidable: Created At” and the “Formidable: Updated At” time printed on the generated pdf are always the same, the UTC time, and it doesn’t seems to change depending the time zone. Do you have any other idea about the cause of this error? Thank you in advance for any help.


    To be clear, the Formidabe: Created At and the Formidable: Update At are the date/time the Formidable Form data was created/updated, not the PDF file. And, the Formidable: Update At will always be the same as the Formidabe: Created At until the dataset is actually updated.

    We are not able to recreate an issue where both are the same after a dataset update, or where they are different from the WordPress Time Zone setting. If possible please send temporary login credentials to support at formidablepro2pdf dot com and we’ll take a look.


    The functionality appears to be by design by Formidable Forms where the UTC time is saved, not the local time. We are examining options to show the local time when merged into a PDF.

    We will update you again soon.

    More info here:


    Any news? Did you find a way to solve this problem that make useless, for me, the “Formidable: Created At” and the “Formidable: Updated At”?


    Update your plugin as we have changed the time to local. Please verify the change is working with new datasets as expected…

    We remain at your service.


    It works thank you.

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