Pro2PDF and E2PDF

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  • #29884 Reply
    Richard Bryan

    It’s very confusing why PRO2PDF is still sold at the same time as E2PDF. Very confusing to people. If the E2PDF plugin is supposed to replace PRO2PDF, then please don’t make it possible for people to purchase a license for the older plugin. It’s confusing and not fair to your customers. If it was clear from the website that E2PDF was the newest version of the plugin, I would not have purchased the old PRO2PDF plugin. How can I transfer my license from PRO2PDF to E2PDF; I will pay the extra cost. But I don’t need PRO2PDF at the same time as E2PDF. Thank you.

    #29886 Reply

    At the top of the PRO2PDF site we explain the difference between the plugins and explain that E2Pdf is the newest plugin. There are several reasons we have not stopped selling PRO2PDF.
    – First, many sites were created by designers and developers for end clients. Removing or no longer supporting PRO2PDF would disable many sites.
    – Second, PRO2PDF allows for local server creation of PDFs, whereas E2Pdf does not.
    – Third, PRO2PDF works on LANs, whereas E2Pdf does not.
    – Additionally, there are compelling reasons regarding our own internal operations.

    We are happy to refund your PRO2PDF purchase AND you may use the E2Pdf migration tool to covert your PRO2PDF templates to E2Pdf templates.

    Let us know how you would like to proceed, as we remain at your service.

    #33085 Reply
    Ronnie E Smith

    I want my $99 refunded immediately, or I want to migrate to the E2PDF. NOTHING says that this plugin is no longer being developed. I will contact my credit card company and have this charge revoked, otherwise.

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