PRO2PDF Hides Avada Theme's Fusion Builder

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting PRO2PDF Hides Avada Theme's Fusion Builder

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  • #952 Reply

    Now that my two requested features are in the paid version of PRO2PDF (Thanks again!!), I purchased it and installed it on a client’s site using the wildly-popular Avada theme ( Unfortunately, with the PRO2PDF plugin activated, the page content panel no longer displays in Avada’s Fusion Builder when editing a page – making it impossible to edit a page via the Fusion Builder (The page content does appear using the WordPress default editor).

    Any guidance on how I can get PRO2PDF and the Fusion Builder to happily coexist? Thanks.

    #984 Reply

    We have tested the plugin with the Avada theme and found no errors, however we do not have the Fusion Builder to test. Are you able to provide a zip file of Fusion Builder for testing? If so, please send to support(at)

    #1036 Reply

    There was a conflict in CSS styles between our plugin and Fusion Builder. It’s solved, so the layout builder works fine now.

    There’s a new update of the plugin available on You can update it on other sites if you go to WordPress Dashboard → Updates.

    Thank you for using Formidable PRO2PDF to print dynamic PDF forms in WordPress with the Avada theme and Fusion Builder.

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