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  • #10904 Reply

    Hi there
    I am the webmaster of site, licence key *************************AACEDA1 that is valid until until 10/28/2016.

    I have a couple of problems.
    As you see I am writing with my mail address because I don’t remember which email I used for this site. I try but it doesn’t be recognize. Can you please tell me which is the mail adddress I used for this site?

    Second problem I have is using this addon. Honestly I don’t know what happened. Since I had problem with the hoster everything was fine, now the plugin don’t send pdf file attached on the mail anymore and on the “Select the dataset to export” field I don’t see anymore the Name I decide. I just see [empty] and the date of the last fullfil.

    Can you pls help me?
    I can give you the details to enter into the site so you can check

    #10905 Reply

    Sounds like you have another Field Map Layout for that form that is not working correctly. Take a look at this support thread to correct the issue, or use this form to provide access. The email for the account is presidente AT aircrew.

    We remain at your service.

    #11244 Reply

    Well done!
    I delete the field map that bother me. Now names appear properly with the date near by the name.
    I also upgrade my license.
    But I still have one problem.
    If I click on ëxport to PDF” a blank page open witht this write

    “There was an error generating the PDF file.
    Your server wasn’t able to upload PDF file: couldn’t open file “”

    What should I do now?

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