Repeating FIelds

Home Forums Feature Requests Repeating FIelds

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Barb.
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  • #6435 Reply

    Hi Team, I was hoping for a better way to handle repeatable fields, and was wondering if this might be at all possible?

    If we have a repeating section with fields for say for Location (Text Field), Type (Dropdown), and Condition (Radio Selection)

    If my acrobat Form had those fields names set to “Location1”, “Type1”, and “Condition1” – then each subsequent field was named Location2, Type2, Condition2, then Location3, Type3, Condition3 etc…..

    It would be great if the plugin could fill and find those subsequent fields by mapping to the same field name, but incremented by 1 for each repeated entry…Do you think it’s possible?

    Thanks again for an awesome product.

    #6436 Reply

    Great idea, we’re thinking about it… Will get back to you soon…

    #6437 Reply

    Oh, and THANKS! Keep’em coming!

    #6439 Reply

    Thanks for thinking about this! Keeping my fingies crossed!! 🙂

    #6455 Reply

    Update your plugin to use the new “Repeatable (separate fields)” format option which does exactly what you’ve requested.

    Thank you for another great idea Barb – I think we’ll nickname this release “Barb”.

    #6461 Reply

    haha! So funny….You guys are incredible. I just can’t believe how fast you make things happen – I’m in shock….Will try it out now…Thank you SO MUCH!! This makes a world of a positive difference for me, and others too I hope. 🙂

    #6463 Reply

    Hi Again, So sorry, but I’m not entirely sure how to use the new feature. I’m new to repeatable sections and you probably haven’t had a chance to update the documentation yet. I see there’s 2 formatting options to choose when mapping: “Repeatable” and “Repeatable (separate fields)” – Not sure which one to choose?

    So I’ve got a repeating section with the following fields:
    • Location (Lookup Dropdown)
    • Other Location (Text Field)
    • Type (Dropdown menu)
    • Floor (Dropdown)
    • Condition (Radio buttons with two options: Visual and Functional)

    When mapping, I don’t see the Formidable Fields that are within the repeatable section, I only see repeatable section listed, so unsure how to match the individual fields within it to the right PDF fields. Is the info at still accurate for this? Or can the repeatable sections now identify each individual field separately?

    Thanks again!

    #6471 Reply

    Yes, the info at is still accurate, except you can use just one Formidable FieldID for each line of the map, like this…

    From the field map layout screen, map the repeatable section to the PDF Location1 field and select the new format option “Repeatable (separate fields)” then type Location1’s Formidable field ID into the text box just like in, then repeat the steps to add your other fields each as it’s own map line item: Other1, Type1, Floor1 and Conditon1 all mapping to the same repeatable section except you’ll change the fieldID to correspond to the correct Formidable field.

    Here’s a link to a merge using “Repeatable (separate fields)”:
    Here’s the image of the field map layout screen from above:
    (Save the PDF Form to your computer if you want to view the PDF field names)

    We remain at your service.

    #6516 Reply

    This is Fantastic!! I can’t tell you how many hours I spent mapping out the fields before…I have 54 sections all with the same 5 questions – and had to create/map each one individually before….so initial setup and changes have been a serious event. lol. I am absolutely over the moon with this new feature. Thank you so much!

    When it came to mapping checkboxes, had to change the fields on the acrobat form to text fields obviously, but still wanted a check box to appear instead of the export value or label text. Accomplished this by setting the font in the Acrobat form field to Wingdings 2, and set the separate value in the formidable checkbox field to “P” – and Voila…A check mark symbol!

    JUST PERFECT!!! Thank you, Thank you, thank you!! 🙂 You’ve made my day.

    #6524 Reply

    Me again..Is it possible to do this with images? I tried using a repeating section that has a file upload field and a text field for a description, but when it merges to the PDF, the text field for the image has a 3-digit number instead….Not sure where the number comes from either…it’s not the field ID, or the image file name, or the name of the PDF field…
    Thanks again!

    #6534 Reply

    This request is being seriously considered however, it is complicated code and cannot be implemented quickly. We will continue to try to make this happen.

    #6540 Reply

    Thanks Guys – What you’ve already done is incredible, totally understand there’s probably considerable effort involved. 🙂

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