REST call to get .pdf download

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  • #22430 Reply


    I am looking into the possibility of automating the upload of .pdf files created by pro2pdf into another system for a client of mine. They are currently downloading and uploading the files manually. I’ve been looking through the documentation and this forum and haven’t been able to confirm: is there an API call that will return either a download link for a .pdf or the .pdf binary data or do GET calls only return form data?

    #22432 Reply

    PRO2PDF does not offer a API or binary data download options. Form data may be accessed using Formidable’s API add-on.

    API development is on the roadmap of our other plugin, E2Pdf.

    We remain at your service.

    #22451 Reply

    Okay. Then it looks like I am able to configure formadible so that it will send the .pdf AND form data to an email address when a form is filled out, right? If this is correct, I can watch an inbox for unread emails and process and upload the .pdf files from there which still gets the job done just fine.

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