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  • #11953 Reply

    I currently have Formidable Forms Pro and find it great. I use it on a members website where they can create forms save and edit them when they require. Would this addon give me the following capabilities:

    Create PDF Forms which only that user and admin can view?
    Be able to keep a copy of the PDF Form online in their account as well as download?

    Also do you do any one-time payment options as I dislike paying annually for products?

    Many thanks


    #11954 Reply

    Create PDF Forms which only that user and admin can view?
    – Yes
    Be able to keep a copy of the PDF Form online in their account as well as download?
    – Yes

    Also do you do any one-time payment options as I dislike paying annually for products?
    – Our plugin is a service, not a product. Our intranet version does not require annual subscription, however, would require you to install PDFtk on your web server, or you can purchase a lifetime subscription by paying a 5-year cost of any of the regular versions.

    NOTE: The intranet version cannot merge signatures or images.

    If you’d like to pay for 5-years, purchase a single year and let us know the order number, we’ll provide you with a link to pay for 4 more years and upgrade your account manually.

    We remain at your service.

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