Shortcode Parameters

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  • #20621 Reply
    Connor Hipps


    When considering the shortcodes available in Formidable Pro 2 PDF, I’m unable to determine if auto-downloads of forms is possible. Based on the following shortcode, it looks as though a pre-set dataset is required. Is this true?

    [formidable-download form ="contact2" dataset="84" layout ="3" download = "auto"]

    Thank you.

    #20624 Reply

    To make the dataset dynamic:
    Change dataset=”84″ to dataset=[id]

    For download, use download=”auto” to prompt user to save the PDF locally.
    Or, use inline=1 to open the PDF in a browser tab.

    Let us know if that answers your question(s).

    We remain at your service.

    #20631 Reply
    Connor Hipps

    Thank you for your help!

    I’m making progress, but I haven’t fully solved the problem yet. Here is my newly written shortcode:

    [formidable-download form=”1vjxp” dataset=[id] layout=”1009″ download=”auto”]

    and here site form for which it’s setup:

    Downloads will not automatically occur. Also, on submit, it reads “download.” Is there a place where I can hide the shortcode entirely?

    Thanks again.

    #20635 Reply

    Good morning,

    Has a solution to this problem been found?

    Thank you.

    #20636 Reply

    Our apologies, we posted this response on Jan 10, however, it was not made visible…

    There are no known issues with the download=”auto” parameter. Check in Chrome to make sure there are no JavaScript errors on the web page. Complete this form if you would like us to take a look at your installation.

    To remove the “Download” text, add the “title” parameter like this title=” “

    We remain at your service.

    #20637 Reply

    NOTE: The download=”auto” parameter may not be used with the inline=1 parameter. Used together, the download parameter will fail.

    #20638 Reply
    Connor Hipps

    Thank you for the assistance!

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