Tagged: signature
- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago by admin.
For the current project I did core changes to the signature related code of FormidablePro. In detail: while FormidablePro generates the PNG (stored in /uploads/formidable/signatures/), I add a background image (by Imagick). So this works fine and my PNG-Signature files are stored in the named folder.
How do I tell your plugin to display the stored PNG-File in the PDF?Question2
Where do I locate the code of your plugin which is plotting the signature data into the mapped textfield in the PDF? It seems that your plugin doesnt use the file “/formidablepro-2-pdf/signature-to-image.php” at all..adminKeymasterWe submitted an update on WordPress.org with new Filters: ‘fpro2pdf_signature’ and ‘fpro2pdf_sig_output_options’,
The usage of sending prepared image:
add_filter( 'fpro2pdf_signature', 'fpro2pdf_signature_func', 10, 3); function fpro2pdf_signature_func( $v, $field, $dataset ) { if ($field == 'nrtzvr') { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $target_path = $uploads['basedir'] . '/'; $target_path .= apply_filters( 'frm_sig_upload_folder', 'formidable/signatures' ); $target_path = untrailingslashit( $target_path ); $file = $target_path . '/' . 'signature-1000-10.png'; if (file_exists($file)) { $v = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)); } } return $v; }
The second shortcode which allow to replace just color and background of signatures:
add_filter( 'fpro2pdf_sig_output_options', 'fpro2pdf_sig_output_options_func', 10, 2); function fpro2pdf_sig_output_options_func( $options, $field ) { if ($field == 'nrtzvr') { $options['bgColour'] = array(0, 0, 0); $options['penColour'] = array(255, 255, 255); } return $options; }
The filters will work on latest plugin version 2.88
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