Signature getting cut off in PDF

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  • #1409 Reply

    I’ve tried different size text areas and different settings such as ‘auto text size, scroll long text, etc.’ and turned all settings off, but nothing seems to make a difference.

    The signatures are getting placed on the PDF but the get cut off on the right side, and some get cut off more than others.

    Any thoughts?

    #1411 Reply

    Can you change the multiplier for signature fields and let me know if that changes anything? A higher multiplier will create a clearer signature the default multiplier is 5.


    add_filter(‘frm_sig_multiplier’, ‘change_sig_multiplier’, 20, 3);
    function change_sig_multiplier($multiplier, $field, $value){
    if ( $field->id == 171 ) {//Change 171 to the ID of your signature field
    $multiplier = 10;
    return $multiplier;

    #1412 Reply

    If changing the multiplier does not fix the issue, please send a temporary WP login to support at formidablepro2pdf dot com, and we’ll take a look at what’s causing the image to get cut off.

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