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  • #1401 Reply

    I have some problems with the settings PRO2PDF. Your live demo seems to refer to an older version of Formidable form; code for the PDF button think should be added to “custom html”. I do not know the code, however, I put the code into the “send button” (see the code below). I think I’ve done something wrong.
    The PDF is created but the fields are empty. In addition, the form is sent (with the data). I would just like to create a form to fill out online, create a PDF, sign it by hand and send it by postal mail; It does not need to be filed by Formidable form.

    Can you give me a hand? Thank you.

    <Div class = “frm_submit”>
    [If back_button] <input type = “button” value = “[back_label]” name = “frm_prev_page” formnovalidate = “formnovalidate” class = “frm_prev_page” [back_hook] /> [/ if back_button]
    <Input type = “submit” value = “[BUTTON_LABEL]” [button_action] />
    [If save_draft] [draft_label] [/ if save_draft]
    </ Div>

    #1403 Reply

    The demo is for the current version of Formidable. The shortcode should be placed in the Formidable Form | SETTINGS TAB | Messages | On Submit (you can also put the shortcode in the On Update message)

    If you still can’t find it please email a temporary login to your server and we’ll make it work for you. Send to support(at)

    #1404 Reply

    Ok, I added the short code in “message”. Now pressing the button I create PDF and appears to me “download”. However, the PDF does not show data you just entered but those of a previous post. I checked the plugin backend has noticed that “Select the dataset to export:” shows the dataset user printed on the PDF. Does that mean anything? Because when you export the PDF are not printed the data just entered?

    #1417 Reply

    Sounds like you need to replace dataset=”xx” with dataset=[id]. Can you send a temporary login to WP? support(at)

    #1418 Reply

    If a temp login is not possible, please provide a screen shot of the entire PRO2PDF field map screen and the Formidable Form => Settings => Message screen.

    #1638 Reply

    I changed your shortcode…
    FROM: [formidable-download form="bwmuod" dataset="485" layout="14"]
    TO: [formidable-download form=”bwmuod” dataset=[id] layout=”14″]

    and now it works as expected…. Please let us know if you need any other assistance. We remain at your service.

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