Suitability for Requirements

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  • #30396 Reply
    Andrew Watt

    I have read the documentation but remain a bit confused.
    I will have a WordPress site running FormidableForms (current user) and want to keep all content on the WP Site.
    A requirement is to have Adobe installed – not clear how I do this on the WP for the DN. Are yo uable to explain this prerequisite.
    The other question is about configuration. What I want to do is:
    – have 1 form template
    – have the registered user select the content for the form using checkbox (so they might select 5 content sets)
    – have the registered user pay for the number of selected checkboxes (eg 5)
    – have the registered user upload thier logo
    – use the 1 form to create mutiple PDF files (eg 5 forms). This would draw togther the registered user info and logo + extract 5 seperate sets of related data [use formidable forms conditional logic] and create mutiple PDF forms (eg 5)
    – email the output PDF files to the the registered user email whic in this case would include 5 attachments

    Could you please let me know your thoughts.

    #30398 Reply

    REGARDING – A requirement is to have Adobe (or other Acrobat form editor) installed…
    –This requisite pertains to your personal computer’s requirement to setup the PDF Form. This is not a server requirement.

    Yes, PRO2PDF will work for your use case.
    –You’ll need the 1-SITE | 2-FORMS paid version to be able to merge images.
    –Paying for ‘number of selected checkboxes’ may need to be done using a separate form prior to submitting the form data. More discussion may be required to ensure your expected workflow is possible.

    We remain at your service.

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