Tables in Repeating Sections.

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  • #13656 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    is there any way to show repeating data in a Grid type display. Or better yet is there a way to get the output rendered into a table. Is that possible. I was hoping to copy the table code from my view into the field. ( I have tried creating nice clean rows but as character length of each entry is different and each row is different making it impossible to have a top row of labels. Also seems to wrap the line to the next row even though there is half a page of room left.

    Also do conditional display items, (i.e.: [if “key” equals “whatever”]) work?

    #13658 Reply

    Repeating data in a grid (or anywhere on a PDF), YES! However, render a table, no… HTML is not an option within PDF files by Adobe design…

    If you have FieldA, FieldB, and FieldC in a repeating section, then in your PDF Form;
    . Name the 1st row FieldA1, FieldB1, FieldC1
    . Name the 2nd row FieldA2, FieldB2, FieldC2
    . Name the 3rd row FieldA3, FieldB3, FieldC3
    . Name the 4th row FieldA4, FieldB4, FieldC4
    . and so on… add as many as you need.

    Then, in the Field Map Layout;
    . Use the “Repeatable (separate fields)” format to map each of the fields in the first row of PDF fields FieldA1, FieldB1 & FieldC1 (DO NOT MAP TO FIELDS 2,3,4, etc….)
    . In the “Repeatable (separate fields)” text box, enter the Formidable field ID [xxx] that corresponds with the PDF Field like the instructions explain in the Repeatable Section instructions.

    Here’s a link to a merge using “Repeatable (separate fields)”:
    (Save this PDF Form to your computer to view the PDF field names)

    Here’s the image of the field map layout screen from above:

    #13676 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    Yes read the examples several times and tried before I posted initially.

    This example fills with each entry being in a separate column. I need the opposite. I need each repeatable entry to be in its own row, with the field names at the top. I would have no way to predict how many rows the user will add. How does it deal with conditional entries?
    There has to be a simple way of doing this to get something that is neat and legible and ordered.

    #13679 Reply

    Our plugin only fills PDF forms, it does not span data across pages or create pages, so there is no “simple way of doing this to get something that is neat and legible and ordered” without a ready to fill PDF form.

    The work-around to an unknown number of rows is to create a maximum limit, and add additional pages to the PDF. You can have multiple PDFs with 1, 2, 3, 4,… number of pages, then dynamically change the shortcode’s layout=ID based on the number of rows…

    Or, use the PrintFriendly plugin with a Formidable view.

    We are working on a new version that will span data and create new pages, however, it’s a couple of months from a Alpha version.

    We remain at your service.

    #13680 Reply

    Our plugin only fills PDF forms, it does not span data across pages or create pages, so there is no “simple way of doing this to get something that is neat and legible and ordered” without a ready to fill PDF form.

    The work-around to an unknown number of rows is to create a maximum limit, and add additional pages to the PDF. You can have multiple PDFs with 1, 2, 3, 4,… number of pages, then dynamically change the shortcode’s layout=ID based on the number of rows…

    Or, use the PrintFriendly plugin with a Formidable view.

    We are working on a new version that will span data and create new pages, however, it’s a couple of months from a Alpha version.

    We remain at your service.

    #13682 Reply

    Here’s info about tables in PDF forms….

    #13683 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    Also, field entries like [1111 show 4332] do not show? Or any entry the has something like “[2223 decimal=2 dec_point=”.” thousands_sep=”,”] doesn’t show either? Any suggestions for this?
    I like this plugin, it would solve a lot of things but Ive spent 3 days now trying to find a way to make this work for me.

    #13684 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    Thanks for your answers. i have a pdf form set up fine. I can live with the unaligned columns or individual lines. I just don’t know how to get all the fields I need to display to actually display.

    #13685 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    The issue of multiple pages doesn’t matter as any overflow in the pdf fields becomes scrollable as I set the pdf form fields up that way. The overflow is hidden till scrolled. Everything else is brilliant. keeps the digital signatures applied to the PDF in Adobe and everything is good. Great work. Only issue is getting the data I need to see into it.
    Please advise how I can get you in to have a boo. i am quite happy to pay for your services
    Thanks for your help so far.

    #13686 Reply

    All formatting such as [2223 decimal=2 dec_point=”.” thousands_sep=”,”] must be done in the Formidable form, not PRO2PDF.

    [1111 show 4332] works in Formidable Views only, not PRO2PDF merges. You can merge a 2nd dataset into the same PDF using these instructions:

    We will explore adding [1111 show 4332] to the current plugin, however, if the code will be time-consuming we will spend the time on the new version.

    We’ll update this thread soon regarding adding the feature. We remain at your service.

    #13688 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    If I merge a second dataset, How does it help with the repeatable entries where it is needed. How do I get this into my line of repeatable items? What would i put as the shortcode?

    #13694 Reply

    The second dataset would merge to the PDF just like the first dataset, by setting up another field map layout and PRO2PDF will merge both layouts to one PDF form. If you need to include data from a second form (dataset) in a Repeatable Section, this option may not be a solution to your requirement. We have worked around this limitation by creating a third form that uses Formidable’s “Get a value from an entry” shortcode to populate hidden fields which then are used to merge to the PDF form using a single dataset.

    We would need to see your PDF and where the data needs to insert to be more specific about how to merge the required data.

    If possible, email a sample PDF indicating where data should be inserted for further review to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com.

    We remain at your service.

    #13741 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    I sent you an email. Thanks for your help. The field map I am using is LEM2

    #14450 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    from the paragraph above
    “We have worked around this limitation by creating a third form that uses Formidable’s “Get a value from an entry” shortcode to populate hidden fields which then are used to merge to the PDF form using a single dataset.
    Not sure how to do this.
    Searched the formidable knowledge base and it is vague. Would i need to complete “a duplicate form” with hidden fields – entries? and if so how do I specify the entry ID?

    I have been attempting to incorporate a hidden field in the original form that holds the values with no success so far.
    Did you receive the email from me
    Cheers. Thanks for the plugin update.

    #14459 Reply

    To make your PDF work as required we would need to develop the [1111 show 4332] functionality. We’ll take a look at our options and update the forum with the results and hopefully a timeline to release an update.

    We remain at your service.

    #15126 Reply

    We have added the [1111 show 4332] functionality to the latest plugin update. To achieve the functionality, select the new “Formidable: Dynamic” option from the “Webform Data Field ID” dropdown field in the field map layout.

    The resulting text area can accept most Formidable shortcodes, such as: [1111 show=4332], [1111 show=4332 show_info=1234], [frm-field-value field_id=x entry="y"], and even view shortcodes [display-frm-data id=555]!

    Give it a try and let us know if you need assistance as we remain at your service.

    #15127 Reply

    FYI: Conditional statements like [if x equals=”SOMETHING”] [/if x] will also work in the new “Formidable: Dynamic” text area.

    #15310 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    Fantastic News! Not sure how to use this with repeatable fields. Do i need to set it up as separate fields rather then plain repeatable section? I tried copying the entire “[foreach 1280]
    [1413] [1285] [1283] [1283 show=1436] [1408] [2392] [1286][/foreach]” that I require into the field and it is blank.
    Thanks for working so hard on this.

    #15311 Reply
    Andrew MacDougall

    Figured it out. Fantastic. You guys ROCK!!!!!!

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