Transfer to E2PDF

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  • #21966 Reply

    Our licence key *** is valid until 08/30/2019. How do we transfer this to E2PDF?

    #21967 Reply

    Take a look at this video and let us know if you need further assistance.

    Migrate from Formidable PRO2PDF to E2Pdf

    Here are a few more videos that may help you get up and running with E2Pdf…

    We remain at your service.

    #21973 Reply

    Thanks again for your help. We’ve migrated to E2PDF.

    We’ve updated the Formidable form “Health Plus™ Insurance Application” showing at , created a new E2PDF template “Generic July 2019” and used the shortcode for it “[e2pdf-download id=”3″]” in the submit section of the Formidable Form. Unfortunately, the download link isn’t showing so there’s no way to see if it’s working. Can you help?

    Let me know if you need WordPress access or screengrabs.

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