Trouble with Signature mapping

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Trouble with Signature mapping


  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Barb.
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  • #6711 Reply

    Hi Team, Sorry to call on you again….!

    I’ve got your product and the Signature add-on for multiple sites, and the signature maps fine on 2 of my 3 sites…but one one I’ve created a form where the signature isn’t showing up on the PDF – I really hope I’m not wasting your time for something simple I may have missed. I’ve got a signature field, mapped to the corresponding text field on my PDF…Do you have a few minutes to take a look?


    #6712 Reply

    Hi, of course! Please complete this form to have us take a look.

    #6740 Reply

    Thanks – I’ve submitted the request form. 🙂

    #6743 Reply

    The issue is being caused by the Formidable Form. I created a test signature form and it works.

    You can see from the “Entries” screen that the form is not saving the signature image because it’s missing, then if you open the “Sig test” you’ll see the signature is saved and visible.

    I created a duplicate of your form for testing and it appears the signature field works if you move it to the last page of the Formidable form. So Formidable Form is failing to save the signature if the signature field is on the first page, I didn’t try any other pages except the last as we are way out of the plugin area of support… At this point you can open a ticket with Formidable, pay us to open a ticket with Formidable, or move the signature to the last page… (or test other pages…)

    We remain at your service!

    #6759 Reply

    Oh Crazy stuff… Wow, thanks for the fantastic troubleshooting! I didn’t even think to try it. I can reach out to Formidable on this one, Thanks Guys!!!

    #6760 Reply

    Oh…Do you think you could make this post private? Just because of the link being visible here….Thanks!

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