TypeError thrown

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  • #44869 Reply


    Receiving this message below after trying to Export to PDF from Formidable PRO2PDF plugin. I use your plugin to email PDF copies of applications once payment is submitted. First time having this issue.

    TypeError thrown

    number_format(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type float, string given

    Thank you.

    #44872 Reply

    This is not an error we have seen in the past and may be limited to your specific template.

    Do you have more than one active field map layout?

    If yes, do they all have the same error?

    If no check…
    From PRO2PDF=>EXPORT(select Field Map to Use)=>FIELD MAP DESIGNER=>FORMAT(check each field for incorrect selection)

    If yes, or you have only one layout, may we take a look at the layout?
    You can EXPORT and UPLOAD to this form or provide login credentials and we’ll find the issue.

    We remain at your service.

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