unable to send merged form thru email

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  • #20093 Reply

    Can you provide me step by step instructions on how to send a merged and flattened PDF (as a receipt) to a client thru formidable pro?

    I’m able to map the fields unsuccessful however, I want to send out a PDF receipt after merging with form input

    #20094 Reply

    Once you successfully create the Field Map Layout, be sure to set the “Flatten PDF form” and the “Attach file to Email notifications” options to “YES”. Also, check the “Email Action” where you want the PDF to be attached.

    That’s it. Let us know if you have any issues or need further instruction.

    We remain at your service.

    #20097 Reply

    it simply won’t send the PDF as email attachment out based on the criteria defined in formidable form action.

    Further instructions really appreciated.

    #20098 Reply

    Provide the following information so we may troubleshoot the issue…
    0. Complete this form if we are able to login to your installation to find and fix the issue.
    1. Are you able to “Export” a merged PDF from the Plugin’s “EXPORT” tab?
    2. Are you receiving any emails when the form is submitted?
    3. If yes, are there any attachments? If yes, what is/are the filename(s)?
    4. Are there any other failed, test, or abandoned Field Map Layouts created for the same form, if so, set the “Attach file to Email notifications” to NO.

    We remain at your service.

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