unicode makes my text very small

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  • #16714 Reply
    Krista Jonas

    Every thing is fine when I use default but when I switch it to unicode the text becomes very small and the blue fill area shows up on the pdf. I need unicode because I am dealing with names in multiple languages and in default it just doesn’t print those letters. What am I doing wrong? What can I do to have both accents on letters and regular size text without the fill spot highlighted?


    #16715 Reply

    Increase the PDF field’s font size and set the flatten option to YES on the field map layout.

    Let us know if you still experience any issues. We remain at your service.

    #16716 Reply
    Krista Jonas

    I was able to increase the size however despite setting the flatten option to yes I am still getting a blue field. Any ideas?

    #16717 Reply
    Krista Jonas

    I redid it a few more times and on the 4th time it took. All good. Thanks.

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