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  • in reply to: Error about Activation Code #6306

    Please follow the same instructions to unlock your intranet version of the plugin again, it appears something has caused the plugin to revert back to the free version.

    in reply to: Error about Activation Code #6303

    . Did you get the installation to work and now receiving an error?
    . Is the error with all merge forms, or just one?
    . Did something change recently with your server or site?

    in reply to: Error about Activation Code #6293

    Use the “Activated Forms” tab from the plugin screen to enter your key. If you are still having issues, email a screen shot of the “Activated Forms” tab to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com

    We remain at your service.

    in reply to: i want to get a refund one of my orders. #6264

    Oops! Didn’t see your follow-up message cancelling your refund request. We can not reverse the refund, click here purchase another 1-SITE | 1-FORMS Activation Key.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by admin.
    in reply to: i want to get a refund one of my orders. #6262

    Thank you for using the plugin! We apologize for the activation key error, your order has been adjusted to 1-SITE | 40-FORMS and a refund has been issued through for $25.

    We remain at your service.

    in reply to: Removal of Unfilled pages? #6214

    Found the Formidable post that will help. You’ll need to create a shortcode or two that checks all of the values and returns true/false or returns the content if the statement is true. This is just an example, your code will need to be different.

    Compare two fields in View
    Use this shortcode to compare two fields in your View. Usage: [compare val1=”[x]” type=”==” val2=”[y]”]content here[/compare]. Replace x and y with your field ids and replace == with your condition. If you would like to check if the two values are equal, use ==.

    add_shortcode('compare', 'compare_func');
    function compare_func($atts, $content=""){
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('val1' => '', 'val2' => '', 'type' => '=='), $atts));
    if ( !FrmFieldsHelper::value_meets_condition($val1, $type, $val2) ) {
    $content = '';
    return $content;

    in reply to: Removal of Unfilled pages? #6205

    Dynamic LayoutID’s will only work in shortcodes, and shortcodes do not affect email attachments. Attachments are generated upon submission of the form for ALL layouts associated with the form.

    Currently the only way to turn on/off email attachments is from the Field Map Layout screen.

    Last I checked Formidable conditionals may not be stacked, you may require some javascript to make this work as needed, or there may be a way to add a double IF statement, I’ll check with Formidable regarding this.

    Can we take a look at your install to see if any other suggestions can be offered? If yes, please complete this form.

    in reply to: Removal of Unfilled pages? #6192

    You can use the conditional shortcodes in the On Submit Message Box or in the body of the email message. (or other forms, veiws, pages, post, or custom taxonomy)

    in reply to: Removal of Unfilled pages? #6191

    To do this without adding javascript there will need to be form conditions that can be filtered using Fomidable’s Conditionals.

    Then, you can use them to decide which Shortcode to use, or just which value to use for the LayoutID like this:

    [if [123] like=’something’][formidable-download form='w5335k' dataset='567' layout='10'][/if 123][if [123] like=’somethingELSE’][formidable-download form='w5335k' dataset='567' layout='11'][/if 123]

    or you can do this…

    [formidable-download form=’w5335k’ dataset=’567′ layout=[if [123] like=’something’]’10′[/if 123][if [123] like=’somethingELSE’]’11′[/if 123]]

    in reply to: Mapping Automation #6189

    Honestly, the thought did not cross out minds… we’ve been working on custom requests, ready-made templates, and the all-new inline text pdf forms.

    We really appreciate your suggestions, thank you.

    in reply to: Removal of Unfilled pages? #6157

    The send email attachment is controlled by the Layout. So if LayoutID=10 then the email notification(s) for Layout ID10 will be sent.

    Let us know if this does not answer accurately your question, as we remain at your service.

    in reply to: Removal of Unfilled pages? #6156

    The send email attachment is controlled by the Layout. So if LayoutID=10 then the email notification(s) for Layout ID10 will be sent.

    Let us know if this does not answer accurately your question, as we remain at your service.

    in reply to: How to use Templates #6154

    Thank YOU! Yours was the best suggestion since the plugin was released! We’ve already used it on current projects, and it works great! Let us know if you see anything that needs to be changed, or any other suggestions to make the plugin better, easier, or faster to use.

    in reply to: How to use Templates #6148

    You should just have one formidable form collecting data, the dynamic layoutID is relatively simple to implement – especially since we are at your service!

    FYI: Today’s release of the plugin offers an “Automated Layout Creation” option. So if you name your Formidable Form keys the same as your PDF field name, the plugin will create the map for you…

    in reply to: MasterCard/Visa Merchant forms #6147

    *blushing a brilliant red* Hi! Thank you.

    Please complete this form to have a customization offer created for you.

    in reply to: Mapping Automation #6142

    Automatic layout creation is now a reality! Thank you for your outstanding suggestion! Simply update to the newest version to use the feature.

    We remain at your service.

    in reply to: Pro options and which upgrade? #6141

    All the features and options are the same for the paid versions. For just 2 forms, use the 1-SITE | 2-FORMS version.

    Using Formidable’s conditional logic with checkbox field options works within Formidable to hide/show and require fields. There are no PDF field hiding options.

    Please elaborate on the ‘individual checkbox parameter’ you are seeking, what specifically do you wish to accomplish?

    in reply to: How to use Templates #6132

    Duplicating the Field Map Layout is the correct way to accomplish desired result. After duplicating the layout and uploading the new PDF form – with the same PDF form field names – your layout should stay mapped and you should not lose mappings except the “missing” pdf fields.

    The template function was not designed to create duplicates as it will override previously saved layouts with the same name.

    Layout ID’s can be found in the resulting shortcode after selecting the layout from the Field Map to use: dropdown located in the plugin’s export tab.

    We are happy to login and check the “duplicate” layout function if you complete this form.

    in reply to: Mapping Automation #6122

    We LOVE the suggestions (*facepalm* – that we should have thought of)… keep’em coming, we are working on this now!

    in reply to: Setup Issues #6117

    We absolutely agree and truly apologize for the lack of help videos!

    A new step-by-step detailed video will be provided in the next couple of days, however in the meantime, we are available to provide assistance, and if you are able to provide login credentials (click here) we are willing to set up a demo on your site in a couple of minutes, at no charge to you.

    We remain at your service.

    in reply to: We updated to Formidable Pro now pdf emails are not working #6115

    Open the plugin’s field map layout for the pre-registration form and see if the “Email Notification” is checked, if not, check it and test. If it is checked, then un-check it – save – reopen and recheck it – save – and test.

    Let us know if all works as expected as we remain at your service.

    in reply to: Blank Screen #6104

    Outstanding! Thanks for letting us know.

    We remain at your service.

    in reply to: Blank Screen #6102

    Upon log on we were able to see the plugin screen and submitted demo data to the demo form which merged the PDF as expected.
    Here’s the output:

    There may be a browser or cache issue. Clear your cache and try again, if you still see a white screen try a different browser and let us what happens and which browser is failing.

    We remain at your service.

    in reply to: multisite #6101

    You’ll need the 1-SITE | 40-FORMS subscription, and we’ll change it to 2-SITES | 39-FORMS for you. Just let us know once you have your order ID and we’ll make the change manually.

    in reply to: multisite #6097

    A multi-site install requires 1-SITE per site on the server. But! You can mix subscriptions;
    EXAMPLE: If you purchase (1 SITE | 10 FORMS), you can mix the subscriptions like this; (3-SITES | 8-FORMS) or (10-SITES | 1-FORM)
    However you want… Just let us know how to adjust your license.

    Let us know if that answers your question as we remain at your service.

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