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  • in reply to: Get started #17873

    Could you kindly help me in getting the right pdf when it opns autoamtically in a new window? Why can I get the correct pdf only by email?

    in reply to: Get started #17868

    UPDATE: Hi, I have a (good) update on this problem:
    It seems that the pdf attached to the email is correct, whereas the pdf which opens automatically in a new window using the slugs is always wrong. It’s like the pdf opening automically in a new windows is always the same (probably because the slug contains specific entry IDs?), whereas the pdf sent to the customer as email attachment is always correct. This is interesting, because the pdf as email attachment could be enough and maybe even better, due to privacy reasons. However, it would be nice to know how to correct the pdf opening in a new window upon form submission.
    In regard of privacy reason, I was wondering: where does the plugin store the generated pdfs? DOes it simply attach it to the email, or does it also put a pdf copy in some wordpress folder?

    in reply to: Get started #17865

    I gave you admin user and password through the form you said. Did you have a look at the website, did you find out how to solve the problem?



    in reply to: Get started #17746

    Hi, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, but I can never get the right dataset to export.
    I want to highlight this particular: the Formidalbe form is being visible and filled only by a registered user, I don’t know if this is the problem. Now I show you the dataset names I got after several form submission trials. They always start with the name of the registered user who tried to filled and submit the form.

    Select the dataset to export:
    Vincent – 01-27-2018
    Vincent – 01-27-2018
    Andrew – 01-27-2018
    Andrew – 01-26-2018
    Mark – 01-26-2018

    So, I can never see the actual dataset name as set in th Field Map creator, which should simply be something like “Name – 01-27-2018” or so.

    Can you please help?

    in reply to: Get started #17732

    OK, thanks. We have created a basic PDF with premade forms and created a new field map.
    However, we have problem: we have selected the first field (called “name”) as the dataset name, however, in the export tab, we don’t see this name dataset, we just see “[empty] – 1-26-2018”. We have tried and tried again saving the field map, but it never works. As consequence, once we submit the form, the generated pdf has always empty fields.

    What can we do?

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