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  • in reply to: PDF as attachment #17116
    WEB Master

    From your answer I learned that I did not explain correctly the workflow. So I will try to describe the basic process more accurate.
    I start with page A containing form A. On that page no formidable-download shortcode is present, so pressing the submit button cannot generate a PDF. The action specified for the submit button is redirection to page B using currentid=[id] as a parameter. On page B there is no form and no submit button, but essentially only a formidable view containing the shortcode
    [formidable-download form=”ph3qh442″ dataset=[id] layout=”1003″ filename=[595] title=”test”]
    Now the link “test” is displayed, but no PDF is saved. When this link is pressed I get the option to save or open the PDF and independent from the choice (even cancel is ok) a file with the name {595] is saved on the server.
    My point is: I do not want to see the link, but only want the generated PDF to be saved on the server.
    Hope this helps to recognize my problem.

    in reply to: PDF as attachment #17067
    WEB Master

    To clarify my last post, which is still not answered, I want no download link, no automatic download, only the saved file.

    in reply to: PDF as attachment #16552
    WEB Master

    Now I received the Save PDF Add-on I detected an unexpected behavior: I have page A containing form A into which the user enters some data. On pressing Submit the user is redirected to page B that contains a View to generate a PDF as described in your How to: Use the Shortcode in a Page or Post. That works as expected. On page B there is a Submit button that should send an email to which that PDF is attached. But that attachment is missing UNLESS I first press the download link OR specified download=”auto” in the shortcode to create the PDF. So the save does not work if the file is not already downloaded.

    in reply to: PDF as attachment #16505
    WEB Master

    Thanks for your advise. I finally concluded to use a page containing the main form that the user should fill. Then redirect to a second page which will contain a Formidable View containing the shortcode to generate the PDF. I found in your How to section the perfect scenario (How to: Use the Shortcode in a Page or Post). I want the generated file to be saved in order to attach it to an email related to a submit button in another form. So last Saturday I used the link you supplied, ordered and payed the ‘safe file’ plugin and received a message promising follow up instructions within 24 hours (but mostly a couple of minutes). Now it is Tuesday and I am not aware of any information to get, install and use the plugin. . .

    in reply to: PDF as attachment #16453
    WEB Master

    Thanks for your response. I realized a second problem: when I create a field map I receive a shortcode for download link or direct download. But in order to use that I have to fill the field specifying the message that will be show when the submitbutton is pressed. But I do not want such a message, rather a redirect eventually after executing a payment action triggered by the submit button. Is it possible not to have the on submit message and where should I place shortcode to generate the PDF and how looks that shortcode?

    in reply to: PDF as attachment #16451
    WEB Master

    Ok, but in my case I have a form, say form A, from which I will generate 3 PDF files. The submit button of this form does not send email notifications, but redirects the user to another page on which there are 3 forms. Each of this 3 forms contains a submit button that sends an email when pressed and that email should have an attachment being one of the PDF generated from form A.
    On your site I found a post in which a $ 10 plugin is mentioned that adds the capability to save the generated PDF; that could be a solution for me, but I cannot find where to obtain that plugin (if it still exists).

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